Water Monitoring

General Water Monitoring & Hygiene

It is important to ensure that your water system is operating efficiently and hygienically as if this is overlooked you and the personnel around you could be exposed to harmful levels of E.coli or chlorine in your drinking water. Most establishments are covered by WaterCorp however more remote sites such as the mining sites in Northern WA must have their drinking water systems sampled and risk assessed to ensure water is not contaminated.

What is Legionella?

Legionella is a common organism that can be found in low concentrations in drinking water. However, due to Australia’s climate Legionella can multiply in both warm and cold water systems. Depending on your state, it is either mandatory or recommended that samples be taken every 3 months along with an annual risk assessment to ensure that your water system is not contaminated. High risk establishments are often hotels, hospitals and care facilities that have large water or air conditioning systems.

How can BroadSpec Environmental help?

BroadSpec Environmental are experienced in water hygiene and can handle all aspects of sampling, risk management and maintenance of water systems. We provide the following services to protect you and your system:

  • Risk Assessment – This gives an overview of your system and highlights any areas that may be at greater risk of contamination than others. Once these areas have been highlighted they will then form the main sampling points within your system.
  • Field Sampling –  We offer a quick 25min on-site test that tells you if your system is contaminated. 
  • Laboratory Sampling –  This is a full and comprehensive sampling test that takes up to 10 days. It tells you the exact concentration of contamination and ensures a maintenance and management plan can be drawn up to effectively target your system.
  • Maintenance & Management Plan –  We will draw up a comprehensive plan that will minimise your risk and ensure system maintenance.

Quick Contact

Broadspec Environmental Logo Inverse


15/288 Amherst Road
Canning Vale
WA 6155

Tel: 1300 506 998

Email: [email protected]

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